Picture of Fabio DeGouveia

Fabio DeGouveia

The Dingonek is a cryptid shrouded in mystery, reported from the rivers of southern Kenya, known to the Okiek people and ganing infamy from reported sightings.

Creepy Cryptids of Africa: The Dingonek

Creepy Cryptids: Dingonek
Image By - Karl Anderson

The Dingonek is a cryptid shrouded in mystery, reported from the rivers of southern Kenya, known to the Okiek people.

The creature gained fame thanks to an alleged sighting by English adventurer John Alfred Jordan.

Jordan described the Dingonek as a fearsome aquatic animal, covered in plate-like scales and armed with long fangs. This elusive cryptid has puzzled many, initially believed to be a type of neo dinosaur, with some even linking it to Lake Victoria’s lukwata.

Renowned cryptozoologist Bernard Heuvelmans suggested the scales might be an optical illusion, classifying it as a “water lion.” However, Karl Shuker upheld Jordan’s account of the scales, noting similarities with another armored mammal, the kumbway, from Liberia’s swamps.

Legends & Names

Local inquiries revealed that similar creatures were known by various names, such as ol-maima (Masai for “cripple”) and ndamathia.

The name ol-maima is now often associated with monitor lizards and pangolins.

Notably, the Dingonek has not been reported since the original sightings in 1907.

Hsitorical Attestations
Image By - Dariusz Sankowski

Historic Attestations

John Alfred Jordan, an infamous adventurer and ivory poacher, first encountered the Dingonek in a remote area of southern British East Africa, near the German East Africa border.

Despite his illicit activities, Jordan was respected by colonial authorities for his efforts in pacifying local tribes. His account was first published by American big game hunter Edgar Beecher Bronson in 1910.

Jordan’s tale of the Dingonek’s sighting was later featured in the Wide World Magazine (1917) and the Daily Mail (1919). According to Jordan, his “Dorobo” or “Lumbwa” followers claimed multiple sightings of the creature.

Charles William Hobley, founder of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society, initially dismissed Jordan’s story as a tall tale. However, after receiving similar reports from the Mara River area and inquiries made to the Kisii District Commissioner, Hobley began to take the claims more seriously. Hobley speculated that the Dingonek might be related to the ndamathia, a reptilian creature known to the Kikuyu.

Eyewitness Accounts

In 1907, Jordan described encountering the Dingonek near the Migori River. His men, terrified by the sight, alerted him to a “frightful strange beast” on the riverbank. Upon investigating, Jordan observed a massive, scaled creature resembling a cross between a sea serpent, a leopard, and a whale. His description noted the Dingonek’s otter-like head, walrus-like tusks, and a broad, finned tail.

Jordan estimated the creature’s length at 14-18 feet, with overlapping scales patterned like a leopard. His attempt to shoot the beast resulted in it leaping into the air and disappearing into the river. Jordan’s hunting party corroborated his account, despite initial skepticism from Bronson.

Current Status

Since Jordan’s sighting, there have been no further reports of the Dingonek. Local tribes considered it taboo to kill a Dingonek, suggesting it might still exist. While Heuvelmans believed the Dingonek might be extinct, he held out hope for the survival of its water lion relatives.

The Dingonek remains one of Kenya’s most intriguing cryptids, a tantalizing blend of myth and possible prehistoric survival. Whether a relic of a bygone era or a legend born from the imagination, the Dingonek continues to capture the curiosity of cryptozoologists and adventurers alike.

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